Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sex Sells - Yes, It Does!

Companies with sexy banners, ads and billboards featuring provocative models in Seberang Prai, Penang are now being slapped with a RM250 per advertisement by the municipal council.

They say sex sells, and I think that this line rings true in any sector in the business world. In a multi-racial country like Malaysia with many races, religions and of course, languages, any savvy business man has to work hard to reach out to his customers who come from all walks of life.

With a melting pot of languages, it’s obvious that the only language that everyone would understand is – BODY LANGUAGE.

The official language in Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia.

I do not recall there being any other country speaking this language. How is an entrepreneur going to expand his business beyond his own nation? Sell his product in Brazil in Portuguese when he knows none? Japanese in Japan?

Why adapt to every country when we already possess a language that can be spoken with our bodies that everyone from anywhere, from all walks of life can understand?

Banning “sexy” billboards will not stop the moral decay of the nation’s youth. If anything, it will surpress their sexuality and just bring more social problems to the country.

Since we’re talking about suggestive and provocative items being banned from advertisements, let’s ban everything altogether! Let’s ban bananas and cucumbers from Tesco flyers that they drop at our houses every month. Stop selling sausages. Let’s stop driving manual cars, because shifting the gear stick looks really wrong!


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