Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Anecdotes of a Lavatory

Gone were the days where we could do our "business" and appreciate the vast open space of our college's toilets at the same time. With IACT relocated to a new premise, students who had the privilege to experience both campuses can only reminisce the extension of our once expansive lavatories.

Call it weird if you like but one particular space that I missed most in the college's old grounds is the toilet situated along the corridor of the library. That lavatory in particular was rather spacious as it was big enough to fit eight people at one go, not to mention the fact that it was well ventilated. Despite its space, the toilet's flush system always seemed to have a knack of breaking down. Students had to open up the cover to pull a chain in order to flush their remains down the toilet bowl. Aside from that, creaks from its aged hinges can also be heard evidently whenever the door swung open as it was quite battered and old.

With all that in mind, one would think why in the world would I miss such a place but the truth is, this lavatory held some sentimental memories I had of IACT's Damansara Uptown campus. One of them punctiliously was the time when my classmates and I had to film a short movie as part of an assignment for Video Production class. I had to act as one of the victims in my group's murder mystery film where the murderer were to take my life away in that capacious toilet. With that, I was required to lie on the toilet floor in order to act out the grim fate of my character. The lavatory's flooring was pretty wet at that moment hence it was quite revolting to sleep on it. My classmates were rather sympathetic with my situation so they scrunched up newspapers to act as a mat but even so, it was traumatizing to place my head on that damp floor not to mention the fact that I was greeted by an unknown greenish-blackish substance which was growing at the bottom of the toilet bowl.

Another fond memory this toilet held was also during the time of filming. Farah was my character's enemy, therefore she was required to barge into the lavatory to give me a piece of her mind. However, instead of doing so, we could not stop cracking up every time she slammed open the door. It was funny in the sense that we were laughing hysterically for no apparent reason.

This place definitely held many bittersweet memories that will constantly remind me about some of the experiences I went through at the college's old campus. It may not be perfect but all in all, these are the little things that colours my journey as a college student in which I will never forget.

Lizzie - DMC09

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