Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The corners of my feelings

It was a gloomy and quiet atmosphere in the morning as I sat on a chair in a corner of a room. The chair was not the most comfortable of chairs but it filled my needs to aid my aching legs after a long walk. The walls were filled with notes, papers, and posters as the only source of light came from the laptop I was using. A rather peculiar table I was using had a weird shape, imagine a half circle/rectangle table top fitted with 1 leg.

The space I was in seem to resemble a clinic, the ones you would see when you go see a doctor. A long narrow corridor with a hole big enough to pass things through, a passage like how clinics pass their medicine to the patients. A corridor filled with sofas and a long rectangular short table, and the table where I was sitting was a small space at the corner of the room. That small space was my home for the last 1 and a half years, always overlooking a notice board hung on the wall that belonged to CREACTIVE, the college’s student advertising agency.

One would ask why this small corner would be my home all this while? Everyday, I would always come to college early as the sunrise as I had to hitch a ride in my mom’s car when she goes to work every morning. Every morning being in that corner was always an exciting one, even on days where I had no class. Work was always around the corner, especially if you joined a club, good experience nonetheless but a whole lot of work. If you were in CREACTIVE, work is never-ending, I repeat never-ending! With my laptop open, I am constantly busy with work related to CREACTIVE, and yes I am a part of that club.

Never a dull moment I would say, never a dull moment as people would constantly be in and out of the room. Observing became a habit for me as I mostly look on towards the new juniors, seniors, as they flood in and out of the room. It is interesting to see their attitudes, characteristics and personalities come to light in that room.

Ah… the most memorable room for me indeed, hundreds of hours just sitting on that chair doing endless amounts of CREACTIVE work. I miss the space, the comfortable atmosphere and the sounds of hustle and bustle of people parading through the room always talking a decibel higher than normal, but most of all I miss the feeling of having a family bond that I had with the people there in that atmosphere. It was the one thing that IACT College had lost after we had shifted.

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