Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Classroom Joy

Memories are defined as moments that happened that you will never forget. Why a classroom some might ask? We might think that classrooms are only for studying and listening to lectures but sometimes there are interesting moments you might regretfully miss. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages. The space that holds the vivid memories for me in the old IACT is Room 1.

I am a lazy person when I was in my younger age. Young teenagers love to have fun and I, being one, would tend to have more fun and not go to classes as it was classified as “boring” in my dictionary. However Room 1 seemed to be the only class I attended most of my lectures. The companions were always interesting and fun in their own certain ways and the lecturers were being themselves, particularly one, always trying to crack jokes while teaching but failed, but in some ways it managed to made the whole class cheerful.

Room 1 is also seen to be the biggest class in the old IACT and the space always felt like home. It is big enough to fit the whole class with students without complaints. Room 1 always felt comfortable as the environment always gives inner strength to feel fresh instead of the usual lapse of concentration. The first class I had in the old campus was also Room 1 so it wouldn’t be surprising my most fond memory is also in that particular room.

Looking back and staring blankly at the wall thinking of those fond memories, it just felt like yesterday that I was still having classes back at the old campus. Many things had certainly changed. Many of us are now chasing different career paths and the schedules are different now for all of us in the new campus. Even though the bond has shaken but definitely not the memories, which would always hold a special place in my heart.

Alex Yip

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