Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Malaysian English Music Scence (MEMS)

What is that? Does it even exist? If it does, it must suck or just not my cup of tea. Says most Malaysians and YOU could be one of them! Jared Lee, an aspiring local musician who once never thought much of the local music scene will give you a taste of what our local english music is like.

MEMS: Malaysian English Music Scene.

Most Malaysians, not all of you but MOST of you do not know the existence of our local english music or think it's no good even though you have not heard it before. We Malaysians tend to stereotype local goods to be not good and imported goods to be good. What started it? I have no idea but our mindset have been set this way for a long long time. Whether it's music, toys, art, furniture, we still think Malaysia's products can never beat the quality of an imported one. 

How is all this relevant? Well, before I get started on introducing a few of Malaysia's best musicians, I would like you to change that mindset and accept everything I say with an open mind because only if you do so, I know my words will not go to waste.

Believe it or not, Malaysia has plenty of really good musicians who makes really REALLY good music. So much talent and not given the chance and opportunity to show themselves even to their own country. Why? Because getting a place to perform is hard in Malaysia, plus even if there was a concert consisting of only local musicians, people will not go even if it's free. Playing their songs on radio? Recording is expensive and considering the amount of shows that they get paid from, it's hell. More on that later.

Till next time. 

What YOU should do from now till the next article: Have an open mindset, give our local english music scene a chance as in the next chapter I will give all of you a few sample of Malaysia's best.

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