Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Zoo Negara Review - Kids Version

Hello! Have you been to the national zoo before? You surely must not miss it because there are so many animals to see and you can pet them in Children's World. Zoo Negara is home to 5137 animals of 459 different species.

Children's World has many cute animals like ducks, fish, fowls, birds as well as rabbits hopping around the place! There is also a miniature horse barn and a fun playground too.

You know that rabbits have long ears but do you know that their long ears are used to detect predators? Rabbits have strong hind legs, five toes on the front paws, four toes for the hind feet and they move around using the tips of their toes.

This is the Multi Animal Show Amphitheater, a place you should be at when you visit the zoo. The show starts at 11am daily. Don't be late!

This is the performance by a talented sea-lion. Look, it's shaking hands with the trainer. Sea-lions walks on four flippers on land. Do you know how much fish they eat every day? 20kg.

You must be wondering where's all the fierce animals. Here you go, the king of the jungle, the lion. When lions hunt, they hunt in group because this will increase their success rate. Lions can live up to 13 years , some up to 20 years.

The Malayan Tiger can only be found in Malayan Pennisula which explains the origins of its name. In the tiger family, this Malayan Tiger is the smallest in size. Tigers are great swimmers. Do you know how tiger mark their territory? They spray their urine to trees and bushes and scratches tree trunks. Tiger's are able to live without food for as long as a week but when they eat, they eat about six kilos of meat a day. Their saliva acts as an antiseptic to heal their wounds.

Camels have humps on their back. The Arabian camels have one hump and Bactrian camel has two humps. the humps are actually a lump of fat. Camels can live up to 50 years. They do not chew the food but instead they swallow it straight. Camels can live without water for months but when they drink, they drink about 200 litres in one day.

For a fun and exciting adventure, bring your parents along and come down to the Zoo Negara!

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