Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Zoo Review (Kids Version)

Fun Filled Day At The Zoo
by Jc Lam

The zoo is a fun place to be! There are so many animals to see and sometimes even to pat. Giraffes have long necks, but have you seen them eat? They walk so elegantly with head all held high and proud as the tallest animal in the world.

And then there are also the monkeys. If you think all monkeys look alike, think again! The Orang Utans are fury red in their fur and skin. Mama Orang Utan usually carries her little baby with big black eyes and just a little hair. Chimpanzees have black fur all the way to their heads, yet they are shorter in length. Only their ears and face aren’t covered! Don’t let the baboon’s looks scare you as they are actually friendly animals. With their long nose and elongated mouth, they sit and eat bananas all day.

There is much to learn from the zoo too! Ever knew why the male lion have hair around their head but the female lions don’t? It is because the hair symbolizes its dominance and maturity. You can also see the difference between a Puma, Leopard and a Cheetah for yourselves!

Moving on from the safari animals, there are also the sea animals. See big fishes swimming in the aquarium such as the gigantic Arapaima and some sharks. Or, you can go for the less scary ones like the cute and cuddly penguins or lazy turtles who sleep in their huge shells all day. If it likes you, it may just pop out its head to see you!

With over 5,000 animals at the Zoo Negara, you just wouldn’t want to go home until you’ve seen them all! Come say ‘hi’ to these animals who are just waiting to greet you back. Remember, don’t forget to wave. Your friends from Lion King, Happy Feet and Jungle Book may very well be there too!

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