Wednesday, March 3, 2010

.:: Chile Earthquake/tsunami ::.

So an 8.8 magnitude earthquake hit Chile on Saturday the 27th of February and a tsunami warning was issued out for hawaii and 25 or so other countries around the Pacific ocean. What I dont understand is that the earthquake happened at 3.30am local time but the tsunami sirens were only set off in Hawaii at 6am because they wanted to "reconfirm" the tsunami threat, I mean come on, theres a posible deadly tsunami heading towards your country so shouldnt you be warning and start evacuating people along the costal lines the moment you know that one is heading your way instead of waiting to "reconfirm". I mean Better safe then sorry ryte?!
Best part is another 30 other countries were sent tsunami warnings about 2 hours or so before the time the tsunami was supposed to hit. Gee... why not just wait for the last 5 minutes before sounding the sirens?! and to find out that there are only two tsunami warning systems placed in the sea's throughout the world, sadening. People should have learnt after the 2004 major tsunami that hit more than 15 countries and killed more than 250 000 people on how fast and how deadly a tsunami can be but yet geologist's still decide to wait for the final few hours and "reconfirm" before the tsunami hits and before they send out warnings to the people, thats honestly preety unfair. Blasting warnings out on television news channels and radio's isint really going to help especially when its at 3.30 in the morning. How many people are even awake watching tv at that time?! maybe there was a number this time around bacause it was a saturday and the next day being Sunday which was a non working day but picture if it was on a weekday and people had to go to work the next day, the number of people awake at 3.30 in the morning would be far less.
News straits times online stated "Asian nations have been heightened alert ever since a massive 2004 tsunami that killed more than 220 000 people around the indian ocean" excuse me but not only Asian countries should be hightened alert but every nation and continent along coastlines should be a little more aware because as you noticed tsunami's have been ocouring alot throughout the past years. Geologist's and the other centres involved should be a little more alert when it comes to pre warning nations about tsunami's in the future.

.::Shayne Especkerman::.

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